
Monday, September 18, 2017

Abnegation in the Christian Walk

The other day, I gave a brief introduction to the Divergent Series in addition to musing why I believe that every problem in the world can be traced back to selfishness. You can read that post here.

Yet, as I reflected more on each faction, I realized that each faction has some (but not all) godly traits that Christians should strive to implement.

When I think of the faction Abnegation, I can see Christ-like values in them. I let my mind wander and imagined what their favorite verses, books of the Bible, and people in the Bible would be. I imagined what songs they would pick out as their theme songs if they had a copy of a Nazarene hymnal (Sing to the Lord published in 1993).

Abnegation's Favorite Verses:
Their theme verse would be Philippians 2:3-4 where Paul talks about valuing others above ourselves and looking to the interests of others. This describes them to a T.

They would also enjoy the following verses:
John 15:13 They would lay down their life for their friends, because that is truly selfless.
1 Cor. 13:4-5 Love is patient & kind. It is not envious, boastful, or self-seeking. It does not dishonor others, get easily angered, or keep a records of wrongs.
2 Cor. 9:7-11 They give generously and cheerfully. They give gifts to the poor.
James 3:14-16 To justify their worldview, they would point to this passage to say that we shouldn't boast about or deny having envy or selfish ambition, because these traits lead to disorder and every evil practice.
1 John 3:16-18 They would remind each other to lay down their lives and keep sharing their materials possessions with those that do not have any. If they have stuff and do not share, how can they have God's love in them? They would like the practical side of loving in action and in truth.

I think their favorite book would be James. They would like the tying their faith to their actions, as well as James' critique that selfish ambition leads to evil practices. It is so practical and concise that it fits their priorities.

Their favorite person in the Bible would have to be Jesus. I mean He was the servant to all. He helped the poor and the marginalized. He even gave up the glory of heaven for a time to save us. He is the ultimate example of selflessness.

If they had access to the Nazarene Hymnal, I think they would love the following songs:

Make Me a Blessing (#533): This song has the prayer of "make me a blessing". It talks about how giving as given to us and asks for people to be a helper to helpless.

Make Me a Servant (#535): This song has the prayer of "make me a servant." It extols virtues like humility and meekness. It wants the singers to lift up the weak.

May the Mind of Christ, My Savior (#483): This song asks for peace so that they can be calm to comfort the sick & sorrowing. It wants people to exalt him (Jesus), even as they seek to abase themselves, because that is the way to victory. Their goal is to win the lost and for the lost to forget the channel (us) so that they only see Jesus.

Give of Your Best to the Master (#540): This songs calls for people to give the Master (Jesus) our strength, ardor (passion), and the best that can be offered. It wants people to follow His example and serve Him.

Take My Life & Let It Be Consecrated (#455): This songs encourages people to offer Him their moments & days. It asks for hands that move for Him. Throughout the song, it tells the Lord to take the person's riches, will, and self.

These songs have the theme of selflessness and service. So they fit in the Abnegation box pretty well.

An Abnegation Prayer: May I forget myself in serving You and others. May I become less so You may become greater. May I follow Jesus' selfless way.

I look in the Bible and I do see how the selflessness that Abnegation values can be a godly trait. Maybe I should join them in their prayer to be selfless like Christ.

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