
Saturday, September 16, 2017

It All Comes Back to Selfishness

This post requires a little back story, so bear with me. There is a book series by Veronica Roth called Divergent. The books in the series are Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant. This distopian series is set in Chicago's future where everyone within the city walls is divided into one of five factions. When people come of age at 16 years old, they have the choice to remain in their faction of birth or choose another faction. Each faction was originally formed based on what people viewed as the principle problem of humanity.

Some people looked at the world and viewed selfishness as the root of all problems. So they strove to become selfless. They formed the Abnegation faction where they strive to forget themselves in service to others.

Others decided that the lack of friendliness is the root cause of evil in the world. So they strove to maintain group harmony and friendliness. They formed the Amity faction and are this society's main farmers.

Still others viewed dishonesty as the world's greatest problem. So they decided to be completely honest, no matter the cost. They formed the Candor faction and serve as judges.

Some people viewed cowardice and fear as humanity's principle problem. So they strove to be brave and fearless. They formed the Dauntless faction and serve as the city's police force.

The last group of people viewed ignorance as the main problem of the human race. If people just knew more about the world and the people in it, there would be less problems. So they seek after knowledge. They formed the Erudite faction and serve as the city's teachers and researchers.

So those are the five factions and a nutshell summary of their worldview & jobs.

Do any of these resonate with you? Do you view selfishness, lack of friendliness, dishonesty, cowardice, or ignorance as the root of the world's problems?

I believe that selfishness is humanity's primary problem. 
Why do we hurt others? Because we want our way. 
Why do we sin against God? Because we want to do our own thing instead of submitting to His plans. 

As I kept thinking about this theme, I realized that selfishness is the underlying root of the problems of all five factions. Let's look at them again through the lens of selfishness. 

Why are we (as humanity) selfish? We put our needs and wants before others' needs. We are more interested in making sure we get our "fair share" than fairly sharing with those around us.

Why are we not friendly? We put our preferences over group harmony and are willing to fight for our rights instead of submitting to the group's wishes.

Why are we dishonest? We value our reputation and safety more than releasing the truth that could help someone else. We want more resources and are willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get them.

Why are we cowardly & fearful? We value our safety over opening our lives to those who need protecting. We do not defend the weak because we might get attacked along with them. 

Why are we ignorant? We do not want to learn about those who are different. We do not care to stay informed about how we can make a difference for those who are struggling. If we keep the poor and foreigners as nameless statistics, we do not have to care. 

So I view all of humanity's problems as stemming from an innate, carnal selfishness that we are born with and must fight against every day we are alive. But I am not ending this post with the depressing fact that we are selfish. Now we will look at ways to be selfless and, may I be so bold as to add, more Christ-like.

Let us ask ourselves what areas can we cut back in so that we can help our local and global neighbors more.
Let us make the choice to dress simply, modestly, and practically so that we remind ourselves through our clothing choices that we are not the center of attention.
Let us be prepared to care for those on the margins of society who need extra help.

Let us ask ourselves when can we yield our preferences to the group's decision because we do not need minor divisions to further fracture us.
Let us make the choice to submit to each other as much as possible instead of fighting for our rights at the expense of our fellowman.
Let us be prepared to be the ones to yield time and time again because we love others well and we put them before our preferences.

Let us ask ourselves if our reputation should be more important than speaking the truth.
Let us make the choice to honestly give our opinions and share hard truths that help us grow as humans.
Let us be prepared to be purposefully misunderstood by those willing to lie to get ahead even as we become known as people of honesty.

Let us ask ourselves who are in need of defenders and commit to both speak up for them AND intercede for them. (The poor, the foreigners who struggle to express themselves in their 2nd, 3rd, or 7th language, those preyed upon by the system).
Let us make the choice to refuse to participate in oppression in any form and to speak out against it.
Let us be prepared that some of our choices will draw negative attention and hate towards us for standing up for those on the margins of society. Let us count the cost and be protectors.

Let us ask ourselves each day what can we learn about our local and global neighbors so that we can understand them instead of fearing them.
Let us make the choice to study and develop good, helpful things for our world instead of destructive things.
Let us be prepared to continue to learn more about ourselves, our neighbors, our world, and our God as we better understand each person and thing in our lives.

It all comes back to selfishness, but there is a way to move past selfishness and choose selflessness. We can choose the Way of Jesus.

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