
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Worship Word 9: G4352

Our ninth word for worship is Strong's Number G4352, or Greek word proskyneō.

It is a verb that is used to mean to worship.

So this worship word is associated with reverently kissing a hand, falling on one's knees and bowing forward as a sign of extreme reverence, or kneeling or prostrating oneself in order to express respect or make a request. It also refers to the homage and honor show to those of higher rank.

In churches today, we don't often kneel, bow, or otherwise prostrate ourselves. Yet, what might our worship be like if we did this? 

Challenge of the Week: Imagine yourself approaching God, then acutally and literally, kneel, bow, or prostrate yourself before Him. Journal about the experience.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Worship Word 8: G3000

Our eighth Hebrew word for worship is Strong's Number G3000, or latreuō.

It is a verb that is used to mean to serve, worship, do service, and worshipper.

Overall, this word means to serve as a hired worker or to serve or minister, as either a slave or a free person, to gods or people. In the New Testament, it refers to religious service, homage, or worship. It can also be associated with the sacred services, gifts, or rites used to worship God.

So this worship word is associated with serving and worshiping God.  

In churches today, we often has a shortage of workers in the church. People are hesitant to volunteer to serve, because it is so difficult to get out of serving.

Challenge of the Week: What is one way you can serve God this week? 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Worship Word 7: G2151

Our seventh word for worship is Strong's Number G2151, eusebeō.

It is a verb that is used to mean worship or to show piety. 

Overall, this word means to act in a pious or reverent manner towards God or others.

So this worship word is associated with showing piety at home and worshiping God.

In churches today, we are good at treating those we deem as worthy of respect well, but we don't always treat those on the margins of society with a similar piety. Yet, in Matthew 25, Jesus claimed in his parable of the sheep and the goats, that how we treat others is how we treat Him, whether that is well or poorly is up to us. 

We are sometimes guilty of approaching God with too much familiarity and lack of reverence. We can always approach Him, without a blood sacrifice or a set number of petitioners, yet this amazing communion can become common place and mundane if we treat it lightly. 

Challenge of the Week: Go out and show kindness, charity, and mercy to a widow, orphan, homeless person, refugee, or stranger. 

Bonus Challenge of the Week: Approach God with reverence and awe. Consider the ways He is mighty, awesome, and beyond our human comprehension.