
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Special Feature: Competition Date Idea Jar

The eighth featured jar is the Competition Dates. You can decide if you're competing against your partner OR if you & your partner are competing against another couple. 

There are 26 competition date ideas.
The blue sticks have contest challenges.
The green sticks have game challenges.
The yellow sticks have endurance challenges.
The red sticks have food challenges.
The orange sticks have sport challenges.
The purple stick has an annual game challenge.

Each stick has a date idea on one side and a blank idea tag on the other side. So if one idea isn't your "cup of tea", you can write your own idea on the back.

This date idea jar is $10. 

You can use either link below to contact me about purchasing this jar.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Fasting and Feasting: Week 4

Fast from idolatry.
Feast with faithfulness.

What does our fasting vice mean? 
Look it up in the dictionary. 
What does the Bible say about this vice? 
Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of exhibiting this vice? 
What are the circumstances when you display this vice? 
How is the Holy Spirit guiding you to fast from this vice? 
How might you continue to fast from it after Lent is over? 

What does our feasting virtue mean? 
Look it up in the dictionary. 
What does the Bible say about this virtue? 
How has the Holy Spirit cultivated this virtue in you? 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Special Feature: Conversation Starters: Favorite Things Edition

The seventh featured jar is the Conversation Starters: Favorite Things Edition jar. 

This jar comes with 31 sticks asking questions about your favorite things. 

The colors are randomized in this jar. Pull a stick at random and answer that question!

Each stick has a question on one side and a blank idea tag on the other side. So if one question isn't your "cup of tea", you can write your own idea on the back.

This conversation starter jar is $10. 

You can use either link below to contact me about purchasing this jar.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Self-Care Sunday: Take Time to Rest

There's always plenty to do. Many tasks on our to do lists are only temporarily done (i.e. laundry, dishes, etc.) So it is incredibly dangerous to say that "I'll rest when _______ is done." If we need to rest, we need to rest. 

We can rest at home, but for many of us the temptation to do a bit more work is too tempting.

We may be better able to rest if we leave the house, maybe even leave the property, and go somewhere peaceful. It may be a local park, with a woods or stream. It may be a local river walk or bench.

Take time to rest, to be still, to recharge. 

Listen to your body, your emotions, and the still small voice of the Spirit guiding you to find your rest in Christ.

Fasting and Feasting: Week 3

Fast from selfish ambition. 
Feast with self-control.

What does our fasting vice mean? 
Look it up in the dictionary. 
What does the Bible say about this vice? 
Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of exhibiting this vice? 
What are the circumstances when you display this vice? 
How is the Holy Spirit guiding you to fast from this vice? 
How might you continue to fast from it after Lent is over? 

What does our feasting virtue mean? 
Look it up in the dictionary. 
What does the Bible say about this virtue? 
How has the Holy Spirit cultivated this virtue in you? 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Special Feature: Gratitude Jars

The sixth featured jar is the Gratitude Jar. 

This jar comes with 50+ index card pieces, to write one thing you are grateful for each week. 

On hard days or at the end of the year, you can pull out what you have written and read over them.

This is a great way to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. 

The Gratitude Jar is $7. 

You can use either link below to contact me about purchasing this jar.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Fasting and Feasting: Week 2

Fast from jealousy and envy. 
Feast with joy. 

What do our fasting vices mean? 
Look them up in the dictionary. 
What does the Bible say about these vices? 
Search for each word individually.
Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of exhibiting these vices? 
What are the circumstances when you display these vices? 
How is the Holy Spirit guiding you to fast from these vices? 
How might you continue to fast from them after Lent is over? 

What does our feasting virtue mean? 
Look it up in the dictionary. 
What does the Bible say about this virtue? 
How has the Holy Spirit cultivated this virtue in you? 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Special DOUBLE Feature: A Year of Dates Idea Jar AND Date Nights Ideas at Home and Around Town

The fourth featured jar is the Year of Dates Idea Jar. It has 26 date ideas, perfect for a date every other weekend for a year. 

The fifth featured jar is the Date Nights Ideas at Home and Around Town. It also has 26 date ideas.

Both jars have blue sticks for at home date activities and yellow sticks have around town date activities.

Each stick has a date idea on one side and a blank idea tag on the other side. So if one idea isn't your "cup of tea", you can write your own idea on the back.

This date idea jar is $10. 

You can use either link below to contact me about purchasing this jar.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Self-Care Sunday: Decide What You Can Handle Today

We are humans, not machines, so we don't perform the exact same way every day. Our moods, energy levels, and so many other factors play into what we can handle and tolerate on any given day.

Some days, we might be up for cleaning and organizing.
Other days, we might need to bundle up on the couch with a blanket and a familiar book. 
And both situations are alright. 

Sometimes, we are up for trying something new, whether that's a show, food, music, or a book. 
At other times, we might need something familiar and predictable. 

Being able to identify whether we need the familiar or the new is a crucial skill. 
Weighing whether we have the energy or the capacity to tackle things today or saving them for tomorrow can help us be kind to ourselves when we need rest instead of productivity or when we need comfort instead of excitement. 

So what can you handle today? 

Fasting and Feasting: Week 1

For those who need a refresher on Galatians 5:19-23, please read it over it. There are 15 vices and 9 virtues packed into these 5 verses. 

Fast from discord, dissensions, and factions. 
Feast with kindness.

What do our fasting vices mean? 
Look them up in the dictionary. 
What does the Bible say about these vices? 
Search for each word individually.
Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of exhibiting these vices? 
What are the circumstances when you display these vices? 
How is the Holy Spirit guiding you to fast from these vices? 
How might you continue to fast from them after Lent is over? 

What does our feasting virtue mean? 
Look it up in the dictionary. 
What does the Bible say about this virtue? 
How has the Holy Spirit cultivated this virtue in you? 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Fasting and Feasting during Lent

Welcome to Lent. Lent is a period of fasting that runs from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday (before Resurrection Sunday aka Easter). While Lent involves 40 days of fasting, there are actually 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Resurrection Sunday. That is because the 6 Sundays of Lent are not meant to be fasting days; Sundays are for feasting. 

The purpose of fasting is to grow closer to God. We give up something, so we can focus on Him more. Lent isn't about denying ourselves to make ourselves miserable. We deny ourselves food, non-essentials, or actions so that we can give more of our time, energy, and money to God. 

In the Bible, fasting was almost exclusively about giving up food, but in our culture that shies away from depriving ourselves of anything, fasting from social media and other non-food habits is common. 

For more information on fasting, you can read these posts: 2021, 2021 (series), 2018, and 2013

For this Lent, I am recommending a two-pronged approached.
1. Fasting
      A. Fast from non-essential foods. (Essential foods include fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, and dairy).
      B. Fast from vices. We will be looking at vices mentioned in Galatians 5:19-23
2. Feasting
      A. Feast with a special treat on Sundays. Share your treat with those around you. 
      B. Feast with virtues. We will be looking at virtues mentioned in Galatians 5:19-23

How will you fast during Lent? 
How will you feast on Sundays?