
Monday, January 21, 2019

The Spiritual Discipline of Latch-Hooking: Part C

This is part 3 of a 4 part series on spiritual truths that I can to realize as I made a latch-hook rug. You can find part 1 here and part 2 here.

Latch-Hook Truth 11: By spending time with the latch-hook kit, I come to know the colors and can distinguish between them at a glance. When I first start sorting the colors, it is a struggle to figure out which color belongs to which name on the pattern. So I start by sorting the colors and then comparing them to tell the difference between blue, light blue, very light blue, blue gray, and dark blue gray. As the sorting goes on, finishes, and the actual work begins, my familiarity with the colors allows me to identify when an incorrect strand has gotten mixed in with another color. I can see the differences in a row between similar shades.

Spiritual Truth 11: By spending time with God, I come to know Him and His traits better. I can start to distinguish between the different fruit of the Spirit at work in my life. I initially struggle with understanding and implementing them, but they become more familiar and easier to use as I continue to practice them. I get better at identifying present vices and lacking virtues in my life. I can see how these traits influence my life each and every day.

Latch-Hook Truth 12: As the rows build on each other, I am not longer able to pick out specific colors without closer examination. The individual colors blend into something greater than their unique mark; they form a whole greater than the sum of their parts.

Spiritual Truth 12: As my days blend into years, the individuals actions and experiences blend and merge into something greater. The traits that are cultivated in my life blend together as the Spirit shapes me into a more Christ-like individual.

Latch-Hook Truth 13: There are rare colors and common colors. The common colors exist in spades and are used throughout the whole rug. The rare colors come in for a season and fade away. Sometimes the rare colors are more vibrant or particular, but the common colors hold the pattern together.

Spiritual Truth 13: There are rare gifts and traits, as well as "common" gifts and traits. The common traits are critical to my daily walk and life. The rare gifts are given for a season and then fade away. A lot of people chase after the rare, showy gifts, but it is the common gift used often and faithfully that influences the direction of my life.

Latch-Hook Truth 14: I keep an image of the finished product before me, so I can see where I'm going to end up. I have a picture from the front cover of my latch-hook box that shows the completed design. When I get discouraged over my lack of progress, I like to see how far I've come on the rug so far.

Spiritual Truth 14: I sometimes forget how far I've already gone in my faith walk. I need to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and my end goal of spending eternity with Him.

Latch-Hook Truth 15: There are two types of pictures in a latch-hook rug kit. The cover picture (the "what-it-should-look-like-when-it's-done" picture) and the pattern/key (the "here's-how-to-make-it" picture). The cover picture is shown above and the pattern/key is shown below. I never wrote on the cover picture, but I crossed out where I've been in the pattern/key. I calculated how many knots were in a row and when I'd be 50% done. By the end, the instructions were written on, but the cover picture was pristine.

Spiritual Truth 15: I need to mark in my Bible. I need to highlight, underline, and write notes in the margin. I need to flag special verses and note questions I have. If I end my life with a pristine Bible, it probably won't have made a big impact in my life.

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