
Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Spiritual Discipline of Latch-Hooking: Part A

Does the title of this post seem to be a contradiction, an oxymoron? Are you asking yourself how a craft can be a Spiritual Discipline?

Yet for me, I see so many parallels between my faith & my craft. I learn so many life lessons while sitting at the latch-hook table.

Latch-Hook Truth 1: I must first buy the kit before I can begin the work.

Spiritual Truth 1: I must first submit to Jesus' Lordship in my life through repentance and committing to follow & obey Him. Then the work can start.

Latch-Hook Truth 2: I start my work by pre-sorting all the colors. Latch-hook kits come with bundles with strands of yarn that are all mixed together. The first task is to sort the strands by color so that I don't have to go hunting for 20 more dark blue when I need more.

Spiritual Truth 2: I start my work by prayer. I do not jump straight into the work without first taking time to pray about the need, God's guidance, and how best to proceed in a way to glorify God. Without prayer to start my task, I end up missing key steps, doubling back, or dropping the project out of discouragement. Luke 14:28 tells us to count the cost before we begin to make sure that we can complete it.

Latch-Hook Truth 3: I am given a pattern to follow, but I must commit to following it. I don't always understand why the pattern calls for a strand of a particular color here but not there, so I need to decide if I will follow the pattern when I don't understand why or if I will branch out and go my own way.

Spiritual Truth 3: I am given instructions on how to live and obey God, but I must decide to follow it. These instructions do not always make sense, so the choice is before me. Will I obey even when I don't understand or will I branch out and go my own way?

Latch-Hook Truth 4: Things do not go well when I branch out and go my own way. I see a small bit of the completed latch-hook as I build it strand by strand and row by row. I can look back at what I've completed, but the remainder of the rug is blank until I fill it in. Discordant colors blend when they are side by side. The nuisances of colors add depth to the final product.

Spiritual Truth 4: Things do not go well when I branch out and go my own way. I see a small bit of how my life interacts with others as we go through life together. I can look back at what I have experienced, but the rest of my life is unknown until I live it. Discordant events somehow fit together even when they seem to clash initially. Depths of emotions and understanding add depth to my life.

Latch-Hook Truth 5: I can only complete a rug strand by strand, row by row, day by day. It will not be finished in an hour, or day, (and in this case 11 months), but takes time, effort, and commitment.

Spiritual Truth 5: I can only live my life moment by moment, day by day, year by year. This is not a sprint or even a marathon, but takes a lifetime of effort, commitment, and obedience.

This is part A of a four-part series. When you spend a lot of time on an activity, it tends to ruminate through your mind and provide lots of analogies for blog posts.

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