
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

By Our Love

Reverend Fun has hilarious comics. Today, I encourage you to check out their "By Our Bumper Stickers" comic.

Have you noticed that sometimes people's actions don't actually match their bumper stickers, t-shirts, or Sunday morning activities?

To be candidly honest, a lot of people have been hurt by church members with not very Christian behavior (and non-Christians with non-Christian behavior). (And a lot of people have been helped by Christians and non-Christians alike).

Christians still are human. Placing our faith in Jesus doesn't automatically purge our urge to curse, yell, gossip, drink to the point of drunkenness, or other negative qualities. As humans, we do have good days and bad days. We succeed and fail.

At the same time, Jesus tells us (as recorded in John 13:35) that other people will know we are disciples of Christ, that we are Christians, by our love.

So does our lives show this love? Or do we depend on snazzy t-shirts and bumper stickers to let others know of our faith?

How can we better show this love?

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