
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Self-Centered or Others-Centered

If you ask a person if they are self-centered or others-centered, I'm betting most people want to be perceived as others-centered. However, if we take time to look at their words, actions, and online presence, we will discover that most people are in fact self-centered.

Unfortunately, we in the Church are not immune to this tendency.

It shows up when we are most concerned about OUR rights and laws protecting OUR interests. 

It shows up when we are ready to be offended at the drop of a hat (aka walk around with a chip on our shoulder). "They wished me "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"!!"

It shows up when so many of our services and meetings end in complaining, griping, and other negative talk. 

It shows up when we stop showing concern for the very people that God commands us to defend and serve (the fatherless, the widow, the poor, the oppressed, the foreigner, and so on). 

Instead of amplifying the voices of those on the margins of society, whom we are commanded by God to care for, we are shouting about how WE need more power so WE won't be oppressed because so many people want to treat US poorly and take away OUR rights.

Our focus is skewed and we are poorly representing God when we use His name and twist His Scripture to justify our thirst for power. We are willing to overlook injustices and oppression, as long as WE aren't inconvenienced and WE aren't being mistreated. 

When we act this way, we aren't loving our neighbor as ourselves.
We aren't defending the marginalized.
We aren't seeking the interests of others.

We are being self-centered and that does not glorify God. 
Sit with this. It is uncomfortable.
Sit and repent.
Sit and turn from self-centered to others-centered.

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