
Sunday, May 1, 2022

Continuing to Live in Pandemic-Tide

In the Church Year, we have seasons such as Christmas-tide, Eastertide, and so on. 2020-2022 in my mind is "pandemic-tide," as it has shaped the rhythm of our lives.

As the pandemic hasn't officially ended, per WHO and CDC classifications, I wanted to take some time to reflect on pandemic-tide. We will look back at how it has shaped us, but also look forward as we weigh what comes next. 

What are ways we can show ourselves (and others) grace? 
Grace is giving someone something (good) that they don't deserve and could never earn. We can read about the biblical definition of grace here. Grace can be things that delight and charm us, or it can be God's merciful kindness that draws us to Him and strengthens us in living out our faith. 

What are ways we can be kind to ourselves (and others)?  
Are you someone comfortable going unmasked? How can you be kind to someone who is still wearing a mask? 
Are you still wearing a mask? How can you be kind to someone nearby who isn't wearing a mask? 

What are ways we can allow God to stretch and grow us? 
What spiritual virtues have you been convicted to practice? 
What spiritual vices have you struggled with during pandemic-tide? 

With clearer schedules, what do we want to learn, do, or be? 
How did you use your time during lockdowns and social distancing? 
What do you want to keep (or avoid) from that season? 
What did you learn about yourself and God during the first part of the pandemic? 

With schedules filling up again, what do we want to include and what should we refrain from adding back in? 
How are you using your time now? 
What do you want to keep (or cut) in this season? 
What are you learning about yourself and God in this part of the pandemic? 

How will we look back on this time? 
I will certainly look back with lament for the lives lost and divisiveness of our nation, but I will also remember this time as the season where I read new books, learned to play the violin, and invested my time & energy in crafts and cooking. Even though I had fewer visits with family and friends, this has been a season where I made more calls and video calls. 

How will we use the time given to use moving forward? 
What lessons from the pandemic will you carry with you into the future? 
What things have been cut that have been beneficial? What things have been cut that should be brought back? 

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