
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Romans 12: Part 13

Romans 12: Part 13
After Paul talked about the importance of sharing with those in the Lord's family who are in need, he went on to give (yet another) command. We are to "practice hospitality" according to verse 13b.

This will be a shorter devotional post this week, in part because we are looking at two words in Scripture. They do form a complete sentence and a whole thought, but there is only so much to glean from such a brief passage.

The use of the word "Practice" is interesting. In my mind, we practice things we have not perfected. So even if we aren't perfect at offering hospitality, we are to practice it. We can do this by inviting people over, probably in small groups of people we trust to take appropriate precautions in this season of Pandemic-Tide. We can consider our guests to be honored test subjects or guinea pigs as we learn how to offer hospitality. 

Now, there is a difference between showing hospitality and entertaining. Entertaining is a lot more formal and a lot more rigid. When someone entertains, they are a host or hostess with the appetizers ready to go, spends their time in the kitchen while someone else chats with the guests, and it can become more about showing off one's hosting skills than spending time with their guests. 

Hospitality has a long history, both in the Bible and elsewhere. When we show hospitality, we welcome people into our lives without fanfare or stress. Our guests can join us in our work, whether preparing food or cleaning up. We sit down and visit instead of hovering to make sure everything is perfect. Our guests might even get their own refills, like a member of the family.

There is a tendency to want to invite over people who we know and already like, but in Luke 14:12-14, Jesus instructs us to invite over people who are poor, people have disabilities, people who limp, and people who are blind. In other words, people who can't repay us for our hospitality, but who are in desperate need of some love and positive human interaction. 

Questions to Wrestle With
Take time this week to consider: 
-What does "practice hospitality" mean to you? 
-How does the concept of inviting people over as you learn how to show hospitality sit with you? 
-Do you tend to show hospitality or entertain? 
-Who do you show hospitality to? 

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


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