
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Indoor Hobbies To Do At Home

What can you do at home while staying inside? Here's some classic hobbies to dust off and some new hobbies to try!
  1. Read a book
  2. Learn an instrument
  3. Play an instrument already mastered
  4. Play a board game
  5. Play a card game
  6. Play a tabletop game
  7. Figure out what games can be played over a video-chat and play with someone
  8. Plan a game marathon and then do it
  9. Plan a movie marathon and then do it
  10. Plan a dance marathon and then do it
  11. Build a fort
  12. Read in the fort that was built
  13. Do "minute to win it" games
  14. Dream about future plans
  15. Plan a stay-cation
  16. Pamper yourself with a spa night
  17. Find instructions for taking a mental health day and follow the relevant suggestions
  18. Listen to an audio book
  19. Indoor campout
  20. Indoor day at the beach
  21. Write a book (or a screenplay)
  22. Design a board game
  23. Design a card game
  24. Design a tabletop game
  25. Sew something
  26. Crochet something
  27. Knit something
  28. Paint something
  29. Scrapbook something 
  30. Build a card tower
  31. Do a puzzle

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