
Monday, August 12, 2019

Purging My Idols

What is idolatry?

Exodus 20:1-6 covers the first and second commandments, namely, not having any other gods before God and not having idols.

No other gods before me.
No idols.
This should be simple, but idols are a tricky thing.

We may not have altars and statues in our homes, but that doesn't mean that we are living in "idol-free" zones. The devil just shifted the worship of idols inward.

An idol is anything we worship instead of God.
An idol is anything we love more than God.
An idol is probably the thing or person that came to mind when you read those definitions.
Idols can be good things that we elevate too high.
Idols can be addictions or things that we can't live without.
Idols can be people, places, or things that we turn to first instead of God, when we need help.
Idols can be anything or anyone we look to for our value.
Idols can be who or what we look to, in order to solve our problems.

Uncomfortable yet?
Idols are tricky because they lie to us and tell us that they are harmless, natural even. So if you think of something or someone very dear to you and then think, "oh that's not really an idol." I challenge you to prove it: Fast from it and see how it impacts you.

We are often blind to our own idols. Sometimes we need to ask a trusted friend what idols they see in our lives.

The Lord does not accept second place in our lives. Will you join me in purging the idols that have take residence in our hearts?

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