Far too often we don't take everything to God in prayer. Some people don't mention the small things that are bothering them. Others don't mention that great problems impacting our world today.
I was musing on why we don't take all of our requests before God, no matter how big or how small. I came up with several possibilities.
Is this because we don't want to bother God even though He specifically invited us to cast all our cares upon Him?
Or is it because we don't have any God-sized projects in our life?
If all I am doing is a Liz-sized goal, then I don't feel the need to ask God or others for help. If everything that I am doing is within my power and my abilities, than I don't need help. I got it covered.
But when I join God in a God-sized project, then I am asking for help and guidance for sure!!!! I am leaning on Him for every step.
Kingdom work is all around us.
The question is: Will we join God in His work?
Now, we should be warned: We aren't enough for the project, but God is. It will take more than we have to give, but we aren't working all on our own. We are working alongside our brothers and sisters, as well as with God.
Just because we live in a sinful, broken world does not give a pass to isolate ourselves in our church buildings as we don't do anything about the state of the world. No! As Christians, we are called to help the hurting, comfort the mourning, feed the hungry, and pray for our enemies. We are called to visit the sick and the prisoners. We are to share the Gospel, the Good News, with the lost, the hurting, the hopeless.
Instead of driving past the person holding a sign, we can give them something to eat. Recently, I saw a couple sitting on the ground talking to a homeless man. They had brought him a to-go meal and were talking with him as he ate. When I saw that couple and realized what they were doing, I realized that was what Jesus would be doing in our present day and age.
Instead of barely interacting with cashiers and waitresses, we can ask them how we can pray for them today.
Instead of buying whatever is the cheapest or most convenient, we can buy what is most in line with Kingdom practices.
As followers of Christ, we are called to find where God is working, join Him, and then we'd better hold on! It is a wild ride of faith, tears, and prayers for those involved in a God-sized project.
Will we join in the Kingdom work going on around us?
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