
Sunday, June 12, 2022

Self-Care Sunday: Clock-Out

 Today's self-care tip is to leave work at work. When we clock out at the end of our day and come back home, let us focus on our relationships, home, and hobbies. 

We are a part of a hyper-connected world. We can check our work emails at home, and co-workers and bosses can call or text us.

But we can have good boundaries between work and home. For example, we can let our co-workers and bosses know that we only check our e-mails during work hours. If there's a quick text or call about where we left something, it's easy enough to answer, but if we are being asked to troubleshoot a problem over the phone, we could let them know we'll tackle that the next day we work or if we are paid overtime, we can come in now to handle it immediately. (This won't work for every work situation, but we can adapt boundaries to the particulars of our circumstances)

What are ways that you can "clock out" and leave work at work? 
What boundaries between work and home do you need? 

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