
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Whom Do We Serve?

In Matthew 6:24, Jesus warns us that not one of us can serve two masters. We will either A) hate one and love the other, or B) be devoted to one and despise the other. He finishes with a statement that we can't serve both God and money. 

There is a temptation for us to read this passage and pat ourselves on the back because "we don't serve money". Yet, just because we don't fit the example Jesus provided doesn't mean that we don't have a second master. 

Some of us serve the master of a Political Party. We rationalize this by saying that the Party we serve IS in line with God, so it's still just one master. However, there isn't a political party in existence that is fully aligned with God's kingdom. When we act like our preferred party is closer to God's will, we are attaching the sin and deceitfulness of man's political actions to the message we are telling the world about Christ, dragging Jesus's name through the mud in the process.

Some of us serve the master of Family. We idolize our parents or our kids or grandkids. We hold them too tightly and pray more for their safety instead of their obedience to God. We pray against a call to missions so they can stay nearby. 

Some of us serve the master of Work. We are a nation of workaholics. We are constantly checking our e-mails and practically always on call. We give our jobs our best time and energy, the firstfruits of our day. 

Some of us serve the master of Independence. We will do things ourselves and we hide our struggles from the very people who could help us if they knew we could use help. Is pride preventing us from asking for help or is shame the silencer? We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and stand on our own two feet. Ignoring the "one another" commands of the Bible and the interdependence we are supposed to have. 

Some of us serve the master of Convenience and Comfort. We buy what we want, when we want it, for the sake of our comfort, so we won't be inconvenienced. We have stored up treasures on earth by spending money and investing time in things that won't matter when the world ends. We spend money on our wants when others are dying from a deficiency of their needs. 

What competes with God for the role of master in your life? 
(If you're having trouble figuring that out, did any of these claims offend you? Start there)
How has the second master claimed your time, energy, and allegiance? 

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