
Saturday, December 25, 2021

12 Days of Christmas: Overview and Day 1...Give to Jesus

Welcome to Christmastide!! After the fasting of Advent, we are ready to celebrate for all 12 days of Christmas. 

Last year, I did a series on the 12 Days of Christmas, looking at the person of note, theme, song, and verse for each day. This year, we will look at the person of note and last year's theme, through the lens of 12 actions we can take during the 12 Days of Christmas. 


Person or People of Note

2020 Theme

2021 Theme



Celebrate Jesus’ Birth

-Giving to Jesus


St. Stephen

Christian martyrs and the persecuted




St. John the Apostle

Loving and listening to those who are different from you



The Holy Innocents (the children killed in Herod’s Genocide)

Those killed by governments. Refugees in our midst



St. Thomas Becket

Obeying God rather than man




St. Egwin

Caring for widows and orphans

-Sharing (with those struggling to get by)



St. Francis of Assisi (in lieu of Pope Sylvester I)

Sharing the Gospel

-Exploring (in nature) 




God’s response to the powerful and powerless




St. Basil and St. Gregory

The Trinity and Sharing the Gospel

-Giving (to people)



Holy Name of Jesus

The Names of Jesus

-Creating (Food/Treats)



St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (in lieu of St. Simon)

The way the persecuted church is supposed to act




St. John Neumann

As citizens of heaven, we are immigrants 




The Wise Men/Magi

Identifying biblical stories and commands instead of our culture's version

Have we realized what Epiphany means for Gentiles? 

Happy First Day of Christmas!! Today, we are celebrating Jesus' birth, which begs the question: "What did you get for Jesus to celebrate His birth?" We normally are good at giving gifts to family members, friends, and coworkers, but what do we give to Jesus? There are many gifts which seem up His alley. We can make a donation in His honor to a Christian organization. We can buy something to help a struggling family, such as an animal or supplies for a steady livelihood through a group such as Heifer International.  We can do something for "the least of these" (the hungry, the homeless, the stranger, the prisoner), since Jesus said in Matthew 25 that whatever we do for the least of these, we do for Him. 

So what did you get for Jesus for His birthday? 

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