
Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Tenth Day of Christmas

The tenth day of Christmas is the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. This feast remembers the official naming and circumcision of Jesus according to the Torah's tradition. This may be celebrated on a different date depending on one's denomination.

Scripture: Luke 2:21

I'm not sure if I was familiar with today's song before I embarked on this project. But since today focuses on Jesus' names, it is a fitting song. Throughout the song, Jesus is referred to as a baby, Jesus Christ, a little child, God, Lord, and Savior. The line "Christian children all must be/ Mild, obedient, good as He." tickles me. While I agree with the sentiment that we have Jesus as our model and should follow His example, this isn't restricted to children. Adults need to apply this to ourselves too. It's easy to point out ways others need to be better at following Christ, when our main concern should be our obedience and faithfulness to His teachings. (Yes, there is a responsibility to teach and train the children entrusted to us, but we need to be sure that we are "practicing what we preach" and applying the lessons we teach to our children to ourselves as well. I'm not saying that we shouldn't teach children to follow Christ, I'm saying that if we insist on their obedience while holding ourselves to a lower standard, God is not being glorified through our actions). 

Today's Scripture covers the naming and circumcision of Jesus that happened eight days after His birth. It was not His presentation at the temple (that happened 40 days after His birth). From verse 21 to verse 22, 32 days have passed, yet if we aren't careful, we might lump these two events into one since we aren't familiar with Jewish customs. And then we might write a post all about the presentation of Jesus at the temple instead of one reflecting on His name. Not saying that is what happened, but I have a great post coming in February on Jesus' presentation at the temple.

Jesus' name (or Yeshua in Hebrew) means roughly "God will save". This site goes a little deeper into the meaning. What has God saved you from? Have you thanked Him for His salvation?

Pull out your list of names for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit from yesterday. Focus on Jesus' names and titles. Look through the Gospels and Epistles to discover Jesus' example and commands. How should we be acting as Christ-followers? What is an area that the Spirit convicts you of not following as closely as God wants you to? 

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