
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Doing Your Half in Marriage

A lot of times, I hear people talking about how they do their half in their marriage. But marriage isn't about doing your half. It's about two people giving it their all.

Below is a picture I took when this idea was bumping around my head. Ironically, to get this picture, I made all of the bed and then unmade my husband's half for the picture...only to remake his side too once the picture was taken.

Look at the ridiculousness of this picture. How silly the bed looks half-way made!!

All too often we Christians do this in our marriage because that is what the world teaches. Instead of following the world's teaching, we should follow Christ's way because His way is the way to life everlasting.

The world teaches us that we should only do our half of the chores, but Christ's way reminds us to be merciful, have compassion, and serve our spouse.

The world teaches us that we should nag our spouse to get things done, but Christ's way reminds us to pour ourselves out like an offering.

The world teaches us to demand our rights and our "fair" share, but Christ's way calls us to surrender our rights and treat our spouse as we want to be treated.

The world teaches us that we "deserve" Hollywood's version of romance or we have the right to look for someone else to make us happy, but Christ's way reminds us that love is patient, kind, forgiving and so much more. We look to God for our true source of joy, not another fallible human.

So the world's way or Christ's way? Halfway or all-the-way sold out. Selfish or selfless? Serving yourself or serving your spouse? Looking out for your rights/#1 or loving your closest neighbor as you love yourself?

A piece of advice? Don't just do your half in a marriage, go all the way, 100%, no reservations, completely all in for your spouse. Even if they never fully reciprocate, you still are obeying God and your marriage is getting 150% between the two of you. Don't follow the world's way, but follow God's.

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