
Friday, November 20, 2015

I Didn't Want to Get a Cat

I didn't want to get a cat.
I knew the house would smell of litter and their food.

I didn't want to get a cat.
I knew they'd cost a lot to feed & maintain.

I didn't want to get a cat.
I knew they'd get sick & need cleaned up after.

I didn't want to get a cat.
I knew they'd ruin our couch.

I didn't want to get a cat.
I knew they'd infringe upon my sleep.

I didn't want to get a cat.
I knew my life would be simpler & cleaner without one.

I didn't want to get a cat.
I knew they'd cover everything in cat hair.

Yet I got a cat. I got two cats.
Yes, I can smell their litter.
Yes, their vet bills can be pricey.
Yes, we have had to clean up cat vomit.
Yes, our couch has claw marks.
Yes, I lose some sleep because of them.
Yes, life is more complicated.
Yes, cat hair is everywhere.

But I forgot in my calculations, that they bring more than trouble.
A purring cat on my lap serves as a blanket.
Two playing cats bring joy and laughter.
A cat brings companionship.
A cat teaches gentleness.
Even though my life has been rearranged to add in these cats, it has changed for the better.

Now, I do not want to get a dog. :-)